showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Desert Strike Advance Electronic Arts (Budcat Creations)2002 aerodyne gulfwar helicopter helicopter-ah64-apache multidirshooter rotorcraft strike-series labelimagesubject
Glory Days - The Essence of War  SG Diffusion;Atlus (Neko Entertainment)2005 aerodyne difficulty helicopter progressleft rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-7 rotorcraft scrollingshooter war labelimageminimize
2 in 1 - Spy Hunter & Super Sprint Zoo Digital;Midway (Destination Software;Black Lantern)2005 aerodyne boatcombat consoleclassix helicopter motorboat river rotorcraft spyhunter traffic vehicularcombat labelimagesubject